Results for 'Li Yuan ke'

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  1.  14
    Book review: Chris Shei (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Discourse Analysis. [REVIEW]Yuan ke Li - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (6):734-736.
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    Strategies of writing summaries for hard news texts: A text analysis approach.Michael Hoey & Li Yuan ke - 2014 - Discourse Studies 16 (1):89-105.
    This article analyses which propositions of the original hard news texts are replicated in their summaries written by competent readers, with a view to observing the strategies they use to write summaries for this text type and analysing the linguistic devices involved when they implement the strategies. Three strategies, namely deletion, selection and abstraction, are used by summary writers to boil down the original texts to their main points. Implementing these strategies requires readers to make of the relationships holding between (...)
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  3. Wu li xue ming ci bu bian: Ying Han dui zhao.Zhongguo Ke Xue Yuan (ed.) - 1970 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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  4. Enhanced Neuroactivation during Working Memory Task in Postmenopausal Women Receiving Hormone Therapy: A Coordinate-Based Meta-Analysis.Ke Li, Xiaoyan Huang, Yingping Han, Jun Zhang, Yuhan Lai, Li Yuan, Jiaojiao Lu & Dong Zeng - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Effect of Gender on Development of Hippocampal Subregions From Childhood to Adulthood.Shu Hua Mu, Bin Ke Yuan & Li Hai Tan - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    The hippocampus is known to be comprised of several subfields, but the developmental trajectories of these subfields are under debate. In this study, we analyzed magnetic resonance imaging data from a cross-sectional sample using an automated segmentation tool to delineate the development of the hippocampal subregions from 6 to 26 years of age. We also examined whether gender and hemispheric differences influence the development of these subregions. For the whole hippocampus, the trajectory of development was observed to be an inverse-u. (...)
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    Fa xue fang fa lun yuan li.Ke Li - 2011 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she.
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    She hui ke xue jie shi yan jiu: gui lü / gui fan, yuan yin / li you yu she hui ke xue jie shi.Jihong Yuan - 2009 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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    Ke xue li xing yu jia zhi li xing de jie gou guan xi yan jiu.Jianxin Yuan - 2005 - Changsha Shi: Hunan ren min chu ban she.
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  9. Fang fa lun: li shi yi shi yu li shi jiao ke shu de fen xi bian xie guo ji xue shu yan tao hui lun wen ji.Yuan Zhang & Liangkai Zhou (eds.) - 1998 - [Taipei]: Guo li qing hua da xue li shi yan jiu suo.
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  10. Makesi zhu yi zhe xue yuan li jiao ke shu.Xiangfu Xu (ed.) - 1985 - [Changchun shi]: Jilin ren min chu ban she.
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  11. Xian dai mei xue yuan li: ke xue zhu ti lun mei xue ti xi.Jianfu Li - 2002 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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  12. Jiao yu xue yuan li xue ke ke xue hua wen ti yan jiu =.Mei Qi - 2007 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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    Wei wu shi guan yu xin Zhongguo shi xue fa zhan: Zhongguo she hui ke xue yuan Makesi zhu yi shi xue li lun lun tan shou jie xue shu yan tao hui lun wen ji.Jiamu Zhu, Haipeng Zhang, Pei Yu & Li Wu (eds.) - 2014 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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    Yang wang lao zi.Meihuai Ke - 2012 - Beijing: Zhong yang guang bo dian shi da xue chu ban she.
    di 1 juan. "Dao jing" jie du -- di 2 juan. "De jing" jie du -- di 3 juan. Zhe xue su yuan -- di 4 juan. Lun li xue he zheng zhi xue -- di 5 juan. Ren shi lun he jiao yu guan.
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    Ke xue zheng ju cai xin ji ben yuan li yan jiu.Bin Zhang - 2012 - Beijing Shi: Zhongguo zheng fa da xue chu ban she.
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    Fo xue zhi zhe si jing guan.Li Ye - 2018 - Shanghai: Shanghai san lian shu dian.
    Ben shu zhi zai yong zhe xue yan jiu de fang shi zheng ti lun shu fo xue ti xi. wei le shi pu tong da zhong neng chu kui wan zheng de fo jiao xi tong, zuo zhe fen bie cong fo jiao de ge di yu pai bie,zhe xue si xiang guan dian,si miao jian zhu yi ji fo jing shu ji lun zhu deng fang mian jin xing liao xiang jin de xu shu ji tao lun. shu (...)
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    Duo yuan shi ye zhong de ke xue: ke xue de zhe xue, li shi, she hui de yan jiu.Yisheng Chen - 2009 - Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she.
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  18. Ke ji mei xue yuan li =.Wangheng Chen (ed.) - 1992 - Shanghai Shi: Shanghai ke xue ji shu chu ban she.
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    Sheng ming ke xue de zhe xue yuan li =.Xinmin Dong - 2012 - Taibei Shi: Wu nan tu shu chu ban gu fen you xian gong si. Edited by Qingyuan Zhang.
    21世紀人類新科學、新文明的基礎——思維科學理論體系的建立 1687年英國科學家牛頓發表的《自然哲學的數學原理》一書,是近代自然科學完全確立的標誌,從而引領人類的科學邁入宏觀科學的時代,為現代文明奠定了理論和思想上的基礎;1905年德國科學家愛因斯坦發表的《相 對論》,更使得人類的科學邁入微觀科學的時代,讓人們對周圍世界有了一個更加深入和全面的了解。 雖然上述二者都有力地推動了人類科學和文明的巨大進步,卻都未能跳脫出現代科學的物質觀對人們思維上的限制,不能應用於高度複雜的人體和生命科學,更不能解決當前擺在人們面前諸於癌症、愛滋病、各種慢性病、遺傳病 、傳染病等形形色色的問題。 毫無疑問,21世紀將是人體和生命科學的世紀。然而,在人體和生命科學領域,尚未出現像牛頓的《自然哲學的數學原理》和愛因斯坦的《相對論》那樣具有劃時代意義,且與生命科學高度複雜的基本特點互相呼應的全新理論 體系;這就導致人體和生命科學在21世紀的發展將缺乏理論上的立足點,人體和生命科學新的大發展正在呼喚全新理論的出現。 2012年,《生命科學的哲學原理》一書的完成和發表,正是適應這一時代的需要而建立起來的全新科學理論體系,採用了與牛頓和愛因斯坦完全不同,更加高級、全新的思維方式,並突破了現代科學的物質觀對人們思維上的 限制,從而引領人類的科學從當前具體的物質科學邁入抽象的思維科學的新時代,進而有效地解決人體和生命科學領域中各種高度複雜的問題,整個人類的文明也將因此而再次發生翻天覆地的偉大轉變,為新的歷史時期之人類社 會的和平、穩定與快速發展提供理論和思想上的依據。.
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    Zi ran ke ji zi yuan gong xiang ping tai jian she de li lun yu shi jian.Zhanyuan Du & Xu Liu (eds.) - 2007 - Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she.
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  21. Dao fa zi ran yu huan jing bao hu: jian lun dao jiao ji shi gui sheng si xiang.Jiyu Zhang, Yuan'guo Li & Xingfa Zhang - 1999 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao. Edited by Yuan'guo Li & Xingfa Zhang.
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    Zhongguo lun li xue bai ke quan shu.Guojie Luo (ed.) - 1993 - [Changchun shi]: Jilin ren min chu ban she.
    v. 1. Lun li xue yuan li juan -- v. 2. Zhongguo lun li si xiang shi juan -- v. 3. Makesi zhu yi lun li si xiang shi juan -- v. 4. Dong fang lun li si xiang shi juan -- v. 5. Xi fang lun li si xiang shi juan -- v. 6. Xian dai xi fang lun li xue juan -- v. 7. Zhi ye lun li xue juan -- v. 8 Ying yong lun li xue (...)
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    Contemporary Chinese Aesthetics.Liyuan Zhu, Li-yüan Chu & H. Gene Blocker - 1995 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    This book is a collection of translations of recent work by contemporary Chinese aestheticians. Because of the relative isolation of China until recently, little is known of this rich and ongoing aesthetics tradition in China. Although some of the articles are concerned with the traditional ancient Chinese theories of art and beauty, many are inspired by Western aesthetics, including Marxism, and all are involved in cross-cultural comparisons of Chinese and Western aesthetic traditions.
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    Organizational Event Stigma: Typology, Processes, and Stickiness.Kim Clark & Yuan Li - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (3):511-530.
    What do events such as scandals, industrial accidents, activist threats, and mass shootings have in common? They can all trigger an audience’s stigma judgment about the organization involved in the event. Despite the prevalence of these stigma-triggering events, management research has provided little conceptual work to characterize the dimensions and processes of organizational event stigma. This article takes the perspective of the evaluating audience to unpack the stigma judgment process, identify critical dimensions for categorizing types of event stigma, and explore (...)
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    Advances in Measurement Invariance and Mean Comparison of Latent Variables: Equivalence Testing and A Projection-Based Approach.Jiang Ge, Mai Yujiao & Yuan Ke-Hai - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Analysis of the Different Influences of Chinese and Western Religions on Law.Li-Yuan Wang - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (2):53-70.
    Man has to face the unknown future anytime and anywhere. For this reason, he needs to believe in the truth beyond himself. Otherwise, society will decline, decay, and never come back. Similarly, human beings are always faced with social conflicts everywhere. For this reason, he needs a legal system. Otherwise, society will disintegrate and fall apart. However, from the constitutional text, there is no uniform title and standard definition of freedom of religious belief in all countries. Countries in the west (...)
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    Zhuangzi.Wen Haiming & Yuan Li - 2014 - In Jenny Helin, Tor Hernes, Daniel Hjorth & Robin Holt, The Oxford Handbook of Process Philosophy and Organization Studies. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter examines Zhuangzi, an influential Daoist text written by Zhuang Zhou and named after the Daoist thinker Zhuang Zi. It discusses Zhuangzi’s emphasis on the philosopher’s wisdom regarding political and social management, its concept of personal realization, and its concern with social and political order. It also considers Daoism’s notion of wuwei in relation to wuwo, wudai, wugong, and wuming. Furthermore, it looks at the wholeness, equality, relatedness, and relativity of wanwu, along with the organizational implications of Zhuangzi, and (...)
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    Understanding the effect of organizational innovation environment and customer participation in virtual communities on customer creativity: A study of mediating and moderating influences.Mina Ge, Jamal Khan & Yuan Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The importance of enterprises significantly improving their innovation performance by working closely with customers throughout the innovation process has been emphasized in recent literature. However, the role of organizational innovation environment in customer creativity and the impact of customer knowledge matching on the innovation environment are not sufficiently explored. Based on the Social cognitive theory and Flow theory, his investigate the factors that influence enterprise innovation performance in the context of customer participation in innovation, as well as how businesses can (...)
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    Kinematic Calibration of Industrial Robots Based on Distance Information Using a Hybrid Identification Method.Guanbin Gao, Yuan Li, Fei Liu & Shichang Han - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    To improve the positioning accuracy of industrial robots and avoid using the coordinates of the end effector, a novel kinematic calibration method based on the distance information is proposed. The kinematic model of an industrial robot is established. The relationship between the moving distance of the end effector and the kinematic parameters is analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis and the kinematic model of the robot, the error model with displacements as the reference is built, which is linearized (...)
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    J. S. Mill's Anti-Imperialist Defence of Empire.Tim Beaumont & Yuan Li - 2022 - Utilitas 34 (3):242-261.
    It is possible to distinguish between empire, as a form of political order, and imperialism, as a process of aggressive expansion. Mill's liberalism allows for a legitimate empire, in which a civilized state rules a less civilized foreign people paternalistically to prepare them for liberal democratic self-rule. However, it rejects paternalistic imperialism, in the sense of aggression designed to establish such an empire. Apparent textual evidence to the contrary really demonstrates Mill's commitment to three distinct theses: that imperialism may benefit (...)
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    Children’s Moral Reasoning: Influence of Culture and Collaborative Discussion.Xin Zhang, Yuan Li, Kim Nguyen-Jahiel, Tzu-Jung Lin, Brian Miller, Richard C. Anderson & Ting Dong - 2013 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 13 (5):503-522.
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  32. Zongkeba da shi zong jiao lun li si xiang yan jiu.Yuan'guang Li - 2006 - Chengdu Shi: Ba Shu shu she.
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  33. Analytically asymptotic standard errors of multidimensional IRT item parameters.Yuan H. Li - 2002 - In Serge P. Shohov, Advances in Psychology Research. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 13--87.
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  34.  21
    (1 other version)Confucius (551-479 BC).Yuan Li - 2014 - The Oxford Handbook of Process Philosophy and Organization Studies.
    This chapter argues that Confucianism sheds some lights on modern organization leadership from a processual perspective. The cosmological foundation of Confucianism is the dao and its processual nature. Confucian leaders, such as sages and exemplary persons, apply the dao of nature in their art of leadership. Self-cultivation is one of the Confucian core values because people living in a processual organization need to cultivate themselves to be able to deal with changing situations. For a Confucian leader, it is necessary to (...)
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  35. On the Corporate Governance Theory from the Perspective of Corporate Control Market Microstructure.Yuan Li - 2008 - Nankai University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) 3:108-118.
    Control of the market microstructure theory of corporate governance perspective on the traditional theory of the firm as a deepening of the study, the use of information economics and game theory tools to the mainstream economic analysis framework for the development, the market for corporate control transactions, configuring and tuning the details of the process accurately describes the shares of companies in the separation of ownership and control of internal control case shareholders, tender offers, takeover bids and other governance mechanisms (...)
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  36. The Philosophical Underpinnings of Western HRM Theory.Yuan Li - 2012 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 7 (2):317-346.
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    Xiong Shili zhe xue zhong de zhen huan zhi bian =.Yuan Li - 2019 - Chengdu Shi: Sichuan da xue chu ban she.
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    How to Identify Patterns of Citywide Dynamic Traffic at a Low Cost? An In-Depth Neural Network Approach with Digital Maps.Li Zhang, Ke Gong, Maozeng Xu, Aixing Li, Yuanxiang Dong & Yong Wang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-15.
    The identification and analysis of the spatiotemporal dynamic traffic patterns in citywide road networks constitute a crucial process for complex traffic management and control. However, city-scale and synchronal traffic data pose challenges for such kind of quantification, especially during peak hours. Traditional studies rely on data from road-based detectors or multiple communication systems, which are limited in not only access but also coverage. To avoid these limitations, we introduce real-time, traffic condition digital maps as our input. The digital maps keep (...)
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    Li shi xu wu zhu yi pi pan wen xuan.Bing Zhou (ed.) - 2018 - Beijing: Hong qi chu ban she.
    Ben shu fen wu ge zhuan ji,Xuan lu le wang wei guang,Zhang quan jing,Tian xin ming,Liang zhu,Li shen ming,Liu run wei,Zhou xin cheng deng fa biao zai deng qi kan shang de pi pan li shi xu wu zhu yi de wen zhang,Zhi zai yin dao guang da dang yuan gan bu shen ke ren shi li shi xu wu zhu yi de wei hai,Shi zhong jian chi wei wu shi guan,Jian jue fan dui li shi xu wu zhu (...)
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    Simulating exploration versus exploitation in agent foraging under different environment uncertainties.Nader Chmait, David L. Dowe, David G. Green & Yuan-Fang Li - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
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    Departures of Tainted Outside Directors: A Threshold Approach From Two Competing Theoretical Perspectives.Longwei Tian, Xinran Wang, Jun Xia & Yuan Li - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    Although a tainted outside director’s social status may serve as a buffer against devaluation owing to an affiliate firm’s corporate financial misconduct, the extent of this buffer effect is unclear. We propose a threshold approach by introducing the expectancy violation perspective, which generates a theoretical tension from the network-embeddedness perspective, to clarify the following question: From which perspective does the buffer effect of social status become more salient? Specifically, we propose an inverted U–shaped relationship between the directors’ social status and (...)
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    Si xiang, li shi yu wen hua ping lun.Hailin Zheng - 2010 - Changsha Shi: Hunan ren min chu ban she.
    Ben shu wei Xianggang Zhong wen da xue Ya Tai yan jiu suo yan jiu yuan Zheng Hailin bo shi suo zhu, ji jie qi fang xue dong xi fang shi nian suo zhuan xie wen zhi jing cui er cheng, nei rong fen wei si xiang, li shi ren wu, he wen hua ping lun san bu fen. Guan dian zheng que, ke guan gong zheng, fu yu chuang yi.
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    Coordinated Tracking for Nonlinear Multiagent Systems under Variable-Time Impulsive Control.Yuan Tian, Chuandong Li, Xujun Yang & Yiyan Han - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-10.
    This paper addresses variable-time impulsive control for coordinated tracking problem in nonlinear multiagent systems. To make followers coordinately track the leader, a variable-time impulsive controller is designed. Under some well-selected conditions, the comparison system of variable-time impulsive tracking control system is constructed by employing B-equivalence method. And we theoretically demonstrate that the two systems have the same stability property. Coordinated tracking criteria of multiagent systems are obtained by considering the comparison system. Numerical simulation is also provided to illustrate the correctness (...)
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  44.  21
    The Ming Emperors' Practice of Self-Examination and Self-Blame.Li Yuan - 2011 - Chinese Studies in History 44 (3):6-30.
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    Visual Semantic Navigation Based on Deep Learning for Indoor Mobile Robots.Li Wang, Lijun Zhao, Guanglei Huo, Ruifeng Li, Zhenghua Hou, Pan Luo, Zhenye Sun, Ke Wang & Chenguang Yang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
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    Amplitude differences in high-frequency fMRI signals between eyes open and eyes closed resting states.Bin-Ke Yuan, Jue Wang, Yu-Feng Zang & Dong-Qiang Liu - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Editorial: Facial Expression Recognition and Computing: An Interdisciplinary Perspective.Ke Zhao, Tong Chen, Liming Chen, Xiaolan Fu, Hongying Meng, Moi Hoon Yap, Jiajin Yuan & Adrian K. Davison - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Fa zhi li shi zhong de Kai'ersen li lun ji qi shi jian yan jiu =.Yinhong Wang - 2021 - Beijing: Fa lü chu ban she.
    Ben shu yi han si{692126}kai mi sen de fa lü li lun ji qi shi jian wei zhong xin lun shu le kai mi sen xiang guan fa lü li lun de yuan yuan, chuan tong ji qi shi jian te xing, lun shu le kai mi sen zuo wei " ao di li xian fa de she ji shi " dui yu ao di li fa lü li lun ji qi shi jian suo zuo chu de gong (...)
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    The Mediator Effect of Meaningfulness on the Relationship Between Schizotypy Traits and Suicidality.Shu-bin Li, Ding Liu, Xiao-Yuan Zhang & Jiu-bo Zhao - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Research of Deceptive Review Detection Based on Target Product Identification and Metapath Feature Weight Calculation.Ling Yuan, Dan Li, Shikang Wei & Mingli Wang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
    It is widespread that the consumers browse relevant reviews for reference before purchasing the products when online shopping. Some stores or users may write deceptive reviews to mislead consumers into making risky purchase decisions. Existing methods of deceptive review detection did not consider the valid product review sets and classification probability of feature weights. In this research, we propose a deceptive review detection algorithm based on the target product identification and the calculation of the Metapath feature weight, noted as TM-DRD. (...)
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